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This is our best selling with love bouquet and it's easy to see why. With romantic red roses lovingly, sweet eucalyptus and gypsophila, this makes a truly loving statement to your loved one.


The long lasting Rhodos rose comes with an average head size of 5cm measured from base of head to the top

Red Roses

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  • The tradition from Chloe flowers exclusive guarantees that they are the freshest flowers. To enjoy your flowers for longer, follow these simple steps:

    • Remove any foliage below the water line to avoid water contamination

    • Cut the stems again at a 45 ° angle to achieve maximum water absorption

    • Place the stems in a clean jar with fresh, lukewarm water as soon as possible.

    • Make sure the flowers are placed away from direct sunlight, away from currents or heat, and avoid extreme temperatures.

    • Change the water regularly to keep the flowers happy and healthy.

  • If you want a color combination, do not forget to mention it to us, in the "remarks" after the purchase.

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